What’s Inspiring Us Right Now: Outsourcing, Self Love & Digital Detoxes

We're back with another installment of the Afternoon Scroll. In the spirit of fresh energy and beginnings, the gals at Authentic Audience have compiled a fresh collection of biz inspiration from near and far for you peruse through this afternoon. 

Cheers to you and your biz! As always, grab your drink of choice and let's dive in…☕️

Making Peace with Where You Stand (even when it's not where you want to be)

The Female CEO

For so many of us it's always about the next step. We focus on what we lack, rather than on the abundance of success in front of our faces. Especially as women, we have an affinity for holding the weight of expectation and pushing ourselves past the breaking point sometimes... We probably don't need to be telling you this; you know it. We all do!

But what is helpful to hear sometimes is that we know better than this, and that's exactly what Tricia Scott writes about at The Female CEO. You (just YOU) choose how you react to the twists and turns of life, and it's important to remind yourself of these things:

  • You're doing a great job.

  • You don't need to justify yourself.

  • Stand in your power.

    Remind yourself that growth is often found when you pause. You got this!

Why Your Business Should Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

Brand Life Digital

Allow us to toot our own horn for a minute here, because the marketing ecosystem these days is entirely different from what it used to be. People spend an ungodly amount of time online, and if you want to be seeing growth in your biz, you NEED to be utilizing a paid marketing strategy!

Now, we know people like you (we are YOU) who struggle to let go of control... But trust us when we say: Leave it to the experts.

Brand Life Digital lays out all of the "why's" in this article, and once you see how much your ROI could go up, you're gonna be asking yourself why you didn't hire a digital marketing agency sooner!

BTW... check out our services page if you're convinced.

7 Pieces of Content Your Audience Really Wants to See (new data!!!)

Hubspot Blog

We've said it before and we'll say it again:

Authentic and engaged communities thrive on content that resonates. We want them to feel seen.

Hubspot Blog's latest article dives into how to craft the content that your audience actually wants- not just what you think they need. Upscale your social media game by making decisions backed by the numbers (ahem- should be all of you). This is a must read!

Digital Detox

CIO Women

A digital detox is like taking a whiff of coffee beans in between smelling perfumes; strange in theory but absolutely essential to the process.

In CIO Women Magazine's latest article, they explore the benefits of unplugging from the digital world to find balance and boost productivity. Taking intentional breaks from screens can reduce stress, improve focus, and give you a fresh perspective on your biz. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by constant notifications and emails, this guide offers practical tips on how to step away and reset.


The 10 Rules of Finance from a Founder


Your Marketing Secret Weapon is Relatability.