Free social-media masterclass
Social Forecast:
A path to social media stability in 2024.
Underneath the resistance, do you desire to be seen and show up on social media in a way that feels authentic for you - If you had the right strategy and strategy and support?
Join us for a comprehensive masterclass to squash your Instagram and TikTok overwhelm and create a clear plan for true social media success in 2024…
With authenticity as your guiding light.
Join us live
March 27th 4PM PST
Stop the overwhelm and build your dream audience↴
Stop the overwhelm and build your dream audience↴
Hiding from social media?
Confused about which platform to focus your energy on?
Exhausted by the ever-evolving algorithms?
Resistant in showing up in a space that feels overstimulating and loud?
The strategy you’ve been using on social media isn’t “working?”
You know video content is the way but don’t know where to start and/or talking to the camera feels cringe?
What We’re covering:
You probably know by now that video content is where you need to be focusing your social media efforts. But it’s overwhelming to know how to do it “right.” We will be going over what is currently working in video content right now.
Instagram vs TikTok. Well, they’re actually both here to stay. I’ll be teaching you how to tackle both with with ease and systems.
Social media you best untapped organic (not-paid) funnel. Learn how to find your dream lead, client, follower through authentically sharing your life.
Oftentimes people feel like they are “pretending” on social media. You will learn how to show in a way that feels good to you.
Avoiding social media burnout is important, which also means creating a strategy for content creation that is sustainable.
It’s time to reach your dream audience with ease <3
A Note From Thea
My biggest passion is supporting people in taking actionable steps towards being seen and monetizing their visibility on the once-in-a-lifetime platforms that are Instagram and TikTok and doing so as quickly as possible.
I have personally generated 250k followers on TikTok 🚀
My podcast had 97k+ followers on IG 🎙️
Collectively my TikToks have received 25m+ views 📈
I generate 5-10K/m in revenue from my social media presence 💸
HEY GUYS, I’M THEA. A SOCIAL-Media OBSESsED MULTI-EXIT FOUNDER With a knack for hacking virality.
Real Results
A recent client who grew from 0-37k followers in 3 months.
Thea grew her audience on TikTok from 0-50k+ followers in less than six months.
Thea scaled her Instagram podcast following from 0-97k in 10 months.

Squash Social Media Overwhelm
✓ 90 minutes of expert tips covering the current social media landscape. and how to maximize your time & energy across the main platforms.
✓ How to reach your dream audience through organic strategies & paid on TikTok & Instagram reels.
✓ An easeful and authentic approach to social media growth in 2024
✓ A sneak peek at our upcoming April 6-week Social Media Accelerator w/ Thea Wayne
✓ Q&A, Giveaways, Exclusive Offers & More!
MARCH 27th, 2024
Replay available to those who RSVP!
“Thea has so much knowledge and insight about Social Media. She helped me go from avoiding this platform at all costs to looking forward to building my brand on it!”